Bulgaria is home to Europe’s greatest remaining natural treasures, a belt of wilderness in the Carpathian mountains known as the Green Heart of Europe. Bulgaria is the proud custodian of this primal region which is covered in thick forests and intact wetlands. Outside of this area, the natural habitat is fragmented and in need of restoration.
The virgin forests of Bulgaria’s Carpathian mountains are dark and wild, coursing with both terrestrial and aquatic predators: the wolf, lynx, bear, and the great seven meter long Beluga sturgeon, an ancient fish that survived the dinosaurs, but now confronts the precipice of extinction. Continuing to protect the Carpathian mountains provides a living record of Europe’s wild past. Working to restore habitat outside Carpathia will create a more resilient future for the people of Bulgaria.
Ecologically intact & protected landscapes comprise 50% or more of this country.
Intact landscapes lacking protected status comprise 50% or more of this country.
Between 20-40% of landscapes are still ecologically intact.
Less than 20% of the natural ecology of this area is intact.
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