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% Protected

China’s rapid development often obscures the fact that there is much to be optimistic about when it comes to nature in this ecologically diverse country. With most landscapes equally divided between the could reach half and could recover categories, the reality for China is that nature can still reach half.


China's Ecology

Realizing the essential benefits conferred by high quality nature, and the high ecological cost of rapid development, China is implementing bold new policies for the protection of its natural heritage. China’s new policy of Eco-Civilization is transforming the way China thinks about nature, and China is bringing greater consideration to wildlife and wild places as it evolves this national development paradigm.

Half (Mission Achieved)

Ecologically intact & protected landscapes comprise 50% or more of this country.

Can Reach Half

Intact landscapes lacking protected status comprise 50% or more of this country.

Could Be Restored

Between 20-40% of landscapes are still ecologically intact.


Less than 20% of the natural ecology of this area is intact.


Wild Wonders of China

An international initiative to reveal China's amazing natural treasures to citizens of China and also the rest of the world.

Learn More
The Nature Needs Half movement is only as strong as its member organizations. Discover more about the individuals and organizations who have committed to protecting 50% of the planet by 2050.
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Wulingyuan National Park, China. Photo by Chensiyuan.
Wulingyuan National Park

The stunning geology of Wulingyuan, with sandstone pillars stretching 200 meters into the sky, earned it a spot in the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1992.

China Jiuzhaigou National Park
Jiuzhaigou National Park

This colorful valley is home to human communities along with the endangered giant panda and snub-nosed monkey. 

China Guilin Lijiang National Park
Guilin Lijiang National Par

This protected area is important in Chinese folklore and has been the inspiration for numerous traditional paintings. 

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