Colombia is the world’s second most biodiverse country. Formal protections by the national government make up part of Colombia’s conservation portfolio, but private companies are also taking a lead to set aside land to protect this nation’s wild heritage. Keeping Colombia’s ecology intact is of global importance.
Condors still sail in Colombia’s skies. Below them, beneath the dense forest canopy, spectacled bears amble amidst the undergrowth, foraging for dinner. Unfortunately, much of this delicate landscape is at risk of disappearing. Every year, 400,000 hectares of forest are cut down to make way for settlers, more still to clear ground for industrial activities. Some private companies have stepped in to preserve Colombia’s natural resources for human use. But Colombia’s wilderness continues to be at risk. It’s irreplaceable loss would have global consequences.
Ecologically intact & protected landscapes comprise 50% or more of this country.
Intact landscapes lacking protected status comprise 50% or more of this country.
Between 20-40% of landscapes are still ecologically intact.
Less than 20% of the natural ecology of this area is intact.
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