Member Profile

Colong Foundation

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Who We Are

The Colong Foundation for Wilderness was created in 1968 and has been a leader in Australia for wilderness protection (especially in the state of New South Wales). The Colong Foundation is the successor to conservationist Myles Dunphy’s National Parks and Primitive Areas Council created in 1932.

Photo by Daniel Sessler/Twelve Apostles, Princetown, Australia

50% by 2050

Why 2020?

We can stop the sixth mass extinction if we protect approximately 50% of the 846 ecoregions that provide habitat for all of Earth's biodiversity. That means finding leaders and organizations around the world willing to align exisiting efforts around protecting and interconnecting nature in the region.

Learn More
Colong is Australia’s longest-serving community advocate for wilderness.

What We Do

  1. Lobbied with other conservation groups for a New South Wales (NSW) Wilderness Act, which was created in 1987
  2. Monitor NSW wilderness areas, identify threats, and formulate site-specific protection remedies
  3. Due to campaigns led by the Colong Foundation and other groups, there are now 2,087,240 ha of wilderness in NSW
  4. A leader in advocating for the million hectare World Heritage listing of the Greater Blue Mountains in NSW, as well as the reservation of a Border Ranges National Park
  5. The Colong Foundation has also been a leader in regard to wild areas not large enough to be considered wilderness, especially the Gardens of Stone region in the Blue Mountains Learn More >

Currently, Colong is the campaign leader to stop the raising of Sydney’s main water supply dam (Warragamba) that would destroy 65 kilometres of wilderness rivers and inundate 4,700 hectares of the World Heritage listed Blue Mountains National Park. Discover more >

The Colong Foundation has now become a champion for the Nature Needs Half vision in Australia.

Read about how we're making this goal a reality >

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Promote the Conservation of Wilderness >