Water is vital for life on earth, yet millions still do not have access to clean water. “Water is life” and we are determined to improve lives by increasing awareness, minimizing wastage, promoting rainwater harvesting and the purification of recycled and contaminated water.
Water is our religion and we intend to realize our dream to place India at the center of a global “Blue Revolution.”
Walk For Water is an organization that runs behind ‘numbers’; numbers as in ‘lives improved and bettered’ are definitely important to us. We strongly believe that the only solution to the water crisis is by spreading awareness and it is possible only by increasing these ‘numbers’. As an NGO, ‘happy lives and happier societies’ is our first focus.
Globally, an estimated 8 billion people are drinking contaminated water. It is estimated that by 2020, India will become a water-stressed nation.
Walk For Water aims to bring the 1.2 billion hearts of India to beat for the same cause – “Water Now, Water Tomorrow, Safe Water for All!”
We have always said that 'Water is the local issue of global climate change, for people, and for biodiversity.
We believe in 'Think Global Act Local' and are open for collaborations for working with grassroots communities.
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