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Wilderness Foundation Global

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South Africa

Our Mission

What We Do

Wilderness Foundation Global is an international alliance of wilderness conservation groups working together to protect wild nature while meeting the needs of human communities – for the good of all life.

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Sergey Pesterev/Tsavo West National Park, Mangani, Kenya

50% by 2050

Why 2020?

We can stop the sixth mass extinction if we protect approximately 50% of the 846 ecoregions that provide habitat for all of Earth's biodiversity. That means finding leaders and organizations around the world willing to align exisiting efforts around protecting and interconnecting nature in the region.

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About Us

We have three main areas of global impact that we founded and directly facilitate.

Areas of Impact:

  1. The World Wilderness Congress, established in 1977, convenes every four years in a global, public process that produces practical and inspiring conservation results through the collaboration of diverse leaders and experts of all ages in science, policy, business, media & communications, traditional communities and lifeways, the arts & humanities, and civil society.

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  2. The Wilderness Conservation Fund expands protected areas and their effective management by the private and public sectors, and by local communities. Special emphasis is given to the establishment of new wilderness protected areas and ecological corridors in global biodiversity hotspots and areas of community and cultural significance.
  3. The Wilderness Specialist Group of the World Commission on Protected Areas (IUCN) assures the best global wilderness policy and legislation that systematically address the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, safeguards the irreplaceable life support services of wild nature, and provides direct cultural and social benefits to human communities.

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Protecting and Connecting Wilderness, Wildlife & People

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