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% Protected

Like much of Africa, Cameroon is on the precipice of rapid modernization and industrial development. This is already apparent in the miles of plantations and oil drills that dot Cameroon’s land, especially its coastline. Finding economic opportunities at the nexus of conservation and development is essential for the conservation of nature in this region of Africa.

Yaounde, Cameroon. Photo by Edouard Tamba.

Cameroon's Ecology

Cameroon’s dramatic geography (coastlines rising into mountains over 4,000 meters high) grants it a wide range of ecosystems and an extraordinary amount of wildlife, including manatees, gorillas, elephants, and hundreds of birds. Much of the land that supports nature in Cameroon has already been transformed into palm plantations, which can sometimes appear like forested areas, but sustains only a tiny fraction of the species found in natural forests.

Half (Mission Achieved)

Ecologically intact & protected landscapes comprise 50% or more of this country.

Can Reach Half

Intact landscapes lacking protected status comprise 50% or more of this country.

Could Be Restored

Between 20-40% of landscapes are still ecologically intact.


Less than 20% of the natural ecology of this area is intact.


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London Zoological Society (ZSL)

Working to protect wildlife around the world, ZSL is inspiring action while innovating on-the-ground work that values and supports all communities, human and ecological.

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A flotilla of Hippos. Photo by Pawel Czerwinski.
Bénoué National Park

The Bénoué river flows through this park, which is surrounded by eight hunting reserves, and supports an impressive population of hippos.

Baby gorilla. Photo by Porco Rosso.
Boumba Bek National Park

Poaching poses the greatest threat to this area located between the Boumba and Bek rivers and home to endangered gorillas and forest elephants.

Alert cheetah. Photo by Andy Brunner.
Faro National Park

Cheetah and hippos dwell in this area, which was also the home of a colony of black rhino that is now locally extinct.

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