Over 90% of Madagascar’s mighty jungles have vanished in the wake of slash-and-burn agriculture. An impoverished human population combined with historically few opportunities to tie community development with conservation goals has left nature severely fragmented on this island and increased the vulnerability of human communities.
Madagascar is home to an abundance of wildlife found nowhere else on Earth. This is the result of its separation from the larger African continent over 88 million years, allowing the flora and fauna of this place to evolve in isolation. Lemurs abound in the rainforests here, including the silky sifaka and its ring-tailed cousin. And while nature struggles to survive on Madagascar, it is still a biodiversity hotspot, making the benefit of protecting these rainforests worth the challenge.
Ecologically intact & protected landscapes comprise 50% or more of this country.
Intact landscapes lacking protected status comprise 50% or more of this country.
Between 20-40% of landscapes are still ecologically intact.
Less than 20% of the natural ecology of this area is intact.
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