Nature Needs Half is a global movement that consists of network of international partners working to protect nature at the scale she needs around the world. The WILD Foundation is proud to steward this movement in partnership with a larger steering committee, and serves as its coordinating hub.
Please contact the WILD Foundation for more information.
Originally posted on 15 May 2017, by Jeff Wells on the Huffington Post In the midst of a steady stream of grim reports about the environment, a new study offers...
Originally published on 2 May 2017, by Jeff Wells on CPAWS How many people know the truth about what is needed to maintain our wild animals, plants, clean air, clean...
Published on 27 April 2017, Cambridge University Press Büscher et al.'s (2016) recent article ‘Half-Earth or Whole Earth? Radical ideas for conservation, and their implications’ raises some important issues for...
An Ecoregion-Based Approach to Protecting Half the Terrestrial Realm A new study published in BioScience today examines a bold new approach to halting the world’s extinction crisis through a...
First-ever Nature Needs Half Network reception engages conservation leaders with a new scientific framework and roadmap for the protection of 50% of Earth’s wild lands. WASHINGTON, D.C., April 5th, 2017...
Report of the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development Submitted by Deborah Schulte, Chair, Canada House of Commons, March 2017 Specific mention of Nature Needs Half on page 27:...
Published in the January/February 2017 issue of Canadian Geographic Harvey Locke, founder of the monumental Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative, talks about how Y2Y continues to evolve as it turns...
What needs to be done, who is doing it, and how it is getting done The Nature Needs Half Network sees two main goals: Protecting half the Earth one ecoregion...
By: Harvey Locke, originally published through The George Wright Society © 2014 Americans celebrated a milestone in global conservation this year: the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act. For many,...
By: Tom Butler, Eileen Crist, originally published by | DEC 24, 2014 JOHN MUIR, a man whose love for nature seemed almost to transcend Earthly limits, was not immortal. One hundred years...
Originally published in the Smithsonian Magazine by Tony Hiss, September 2014 The eminent evolutionary biologist E.O. Wilson has an audacious vision for saving Earth from a cataclysmic extinction event "Battles...