Earth’s oceans are the womb of all life on Earth. Healthy oceans are rich in beauty, wildlife, and indispensable ecological services. But lack of governance and a corresponding wild west mentality are rapidly degrading the vast waters upon which all life depend.
It’s easy to regard oceans as a set of biologically necessary life-support processes. The ocean produces 50% of all oxygen on Earth, everyday it feeds over a billion people, and it is the largest carbon. But the ocean is more than an engine for life; it is the source of life. And just as we do not regard a mother in terms of her instrumentality, so too is the ocean an entity in possession of innate value and worthy of deep and enduring respect.
Ecologically intact & protected landscapes comprise 50% or more of this country.
Intact landscapes lacking protected status comprise 50% or more of this country.
Between 20-40% of landscapes are still ecologically intact.
Less than 20% of the natural ecology of this area is intact.
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