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% Protected

Earth’s oceans are the womb of all life on Earth. Healthy oceans are rich in beauty, wildlife, and indispensable ecological services. But lack of governance and a corresponding wild west mentality are rapidly degrading the vast waters upon which all life depend.

Spinner dolphins, Hawaii, USA/Jeremy Bishop

Marine's Ecology

It’s easy to regard oceans as a set of biologically necessary life-support processes. The ocean produces 50% of all oxygen on Earth, everyday it feeds over a billion people, and it is the largest carbon. But the ocean is more than an engine for life; it is the source of life. And just as we do not regard a mother in terms of her instrumentality, so too is the ocean an entity in possession of innate value and worthy of deep and enduring respect.

Half (Mission Achieved)

Ecologically intact & protected landscapes comprise 50% or more of this country.

Can Reach Half

Intact landscapes lacking protected status comprise 50% or more of this country.

Could Be Restored

Between 20-40% of landscapes are still ecologically intact.


Less than 20% of the natural ecology of this area is intact.



Parvati.org is an entirely volunteer based not-for-profit dedicated to a healthy planet. Their long-term vision is the Global Peace Sanctuary, to address poverty and hunger around the world.

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The MigraMar network conducts the scientific research needed to better understand and safeguard healthy populations of marine migratory species in the Eastern Pacific.

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Frankfurt Zoological Society

We conserve wildlife and ecosystems focusing on protected areas and outstanding wild places.

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London Zoological Society (ZSL)

Working to protect wildlife around the world, ZSL is inspiring action while innovating on-the-ground work that values and supports all communities, human and ecological.

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Inland Ocean Coalition

Engaging inland communities in land-to-sea stewardship.

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The Nature Needs Half movement is only as strong as its member organizations. Discover more about the individuals and organizations who have committed to protecting 50% of the planet by 2050.
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Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument
Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument

This no-take area, more than twice the size of Texas, preserves important marine life that is of ecological and cultural significance.

Hammerhead. Photo by David Clode.
Galápagos Marine Reserve

One of the most unique marine ecosystems in the world, this area is home to a dazzling array of sharks, turtles, and corals.

Sleepy turtle. Photo by Jakob Owens.
Ras Muhammad National Park

Beneath the crystal waters of this protected area are over 200 types of corals, 1,000 fish species, and dozens of molluscs, urchins, and turtles.