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Nature Needs Half is a global movement that consists of network of international partners working to protect nature at the scale she needs around the world. The WILD Foundation is proud to steward this movement in partnership with a larger steering committee, and serves as its coordinating hub.

Please contact the WILD Foundation for more information.

Woman journaling on a mountaintop. Photo by Tyler Nix.
The WILD Foundation

717 Poplar Street
Boulder, CO 80304

Conservation Targets: Do They Help?

Conservation Targets: Do They Help? By Michael E. Soulé & M. A. Sanjayan; Science, New Series, Vol. 279, No. 5359. (Mar. 27, 1998), pp. 2060-2061. The most irreversible environmental problem...

How Much is Enough?

Center for Large Landscape Conservation; Literature Review on Select Topics in Landscape Conservation; May 27, 2010 How much is enough? What is the minimum area required to ensure the maintenance...

We Need to Scale Up Marine Protection: A Global Perspective

We Need to Scale Up Marine Protection: A Global Perspective (International Journal of Wilderness, December, 2011, ) Cyril F. Kormos (Vice President for Policy, The WILD Foundation; World Commission...

A New Spatial Perspective for a Healthy Planet

A New Spatial Perspective for a Healthy Planet (International Journal of Wilderness, December, 2011, ); Dr Magnus Sylven (environmental consultant; Co-Chair, WILD10, the 10th World Wilderness Congress; former Director,...

As Roads Spread in Rainforests, The Environmental Toll Grows

Article by: William Laurance From Brazil to Borneo, new roads are being built into tropical forests at a dizzying pace, putting previously intact wilderness at risk. If we hope to...

LivingPlanet ConnectedPlanet
Living Planet: Connected Planet

PREVENTING THE END OF THE WORLD'S WILDLIFE MIGRATIONS THROUGH ECOLOGICAL NETWORKS This rapid-response assessment was recently produced by GRID-Arendal, an official United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) collaborating centre, supporting informed...

Abrolhos Reef
Marine Conservation References

A short list of marine conservation reference texts. Barr, B. 2007. Ocean Wilderness: Interesting Idea or Ecological Imperative? International Journal of Wilderness Special Issue: The Wild Planet Project. Dudley, N....

Victoria Canada Regional Parks Plan Incorporates HALF Vision

Victoria, the capital of British Columbia Canada, is planning the management strategy for its regional parks and trails for the next ten years (2011-2020).  Like many cities of its size,...

Protected Areas & Biodiversity Loss

"Protected areas are a valuable tool in the fight to preserve biodiversity. We need them to be well managed, and we need more of them, but they alone cannot solve...

The A-Z of Areas of Biodiversity Importance

The terminology of conservation can be confusing.  Endless acronyms and very specific terms that only the 'specialists' can decode.  For Nature Needs Half, we use the protected area categories as defined by...

Premier Charest promotes Quebéc’s Northern Plan in New York City

During an official trip to New York City to promote Québec’s Northern Plan, Premier Charest addressed a gathering of 300 people, primarily from New York business and financial circles, at...

Seychelles makes major contribution to Aichi Biodiversity Targets

Montreal, 27 June 2011— The Seychelles Government announced it will declare new protected areas in the archipelago, resulting in half (50.59%) of all Seychelles land becoming protected under the law....

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