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Nature Needs Half is a global movement that consists of network of international partners working to protect nature at the scale she needs around the world. The WILD Foundation is proud to steward this movement in partnership with a larger steering committee, and serves as its coordinating hub.

Please contact the WILD Foundation for more information.

Woman journaling on a mountaintop. Photo by Tyler Nix.
The WILD Foundation

717 Poplar Street
Boulder, CO 80304

Is religion, the key to conservation?

Islamic leaders in Indonesia sure think so. Many Islamic conservationists have banded together to form FORDALING (the Islamic Leader Forum for Environmental Care), and are working to spread environmental education...

Bringing back the Garden of Eden

Under Saddam Hussein the Mesopotamian Marshlands, considered the largest wetland ecosystem in the Middle East were drained to a tenth of their original size in order to punish the Marsh...

Save the Serengeti

The government of Tanzania's proposal to construct a road through the Serengeti national park has caused major outrage among conservationists because the plan would hinder the annual migration of some...

Protection of Mangrove Forests in Pakistan

Concern over the illegal cutting of mangroves along the Karachi coast has led the Pakistani Minister of Home, Jail and Forest, Dr. Zulfiqar Mirza, to take steps toward classifying the...

Big news for the forests of Northern Finland

Following the Finish government's decision to protect 85,600 hectares (856 sq km) of state owned pine forest in Northern Finland from industrial logging last December, a new win has helped...

Quebec, Canada announces that it will protect at least half of its vast North

February 23, 2011.  Today the government of the province of Quebec, Canada announced that it will protect 50% of its northern area from all industrial activity. This means that an...

Think Big!

An editorial in Nature (January 2011), encourages us to "Think Big" about conservation, parks and species. We couldn't agree more.  Thinking and planning at a landscape scale - including legal...

Connectivity Across Highways

This month, there is some exciting news for animals trying to cross the road. The winners were announced in the ARC International Wildlife Crossing Infrastructure Competition and elephants starting using...

The Far North Act, 2009

An Act With Respect To Land Use Planning and Protection in the Far North On June 2, 2009, Natural Resources Minister Donna Cansfield introduced proposed legislation that would permanently protect...

Plenilunium Sierra La Giga
La Giganta y Guadalupe

iLCP photographer Miguel Angel de la Cueva just finished his explorations of Baja California’s must rugged and pristine mountain ranges Sierras La Giganta y Guadalupe along with one of Mexico’s...

Introduction to Nature Needs Half

During the closing ceremony of WILD9 (13 November 2009), Harvey Locke, Vice President for Conservation Strategy at The WILD Foundation and Strategic Adviser for the Yellowstone to Yukon Initiative, presented...

Conservation Beyond Crisis Management: A Conservation-Matrix Model

Schmiegelow et al review the science behind the Nature Needs Half vision and the application in the boreal forest of Canada.

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