Contact Us

Nature Needs Half is a global movement that consists of network of international partners working to protect nature at the scale she needs around the world. The WILD Foundation is proud to steward this movement in partnership with a larger steering committee, and serves as its coordinating hub.

Please contact the WILD Foundation for more information.

Woman journaling on a mountaintop. Photo by Tyler Nix.
The WILD Foundation

717 Poplar Street
Boulder, CO 80304

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To inspire and energize the global community in ways that help create a sustainable world for all living things, and a better, cleaner, healthier world for future generations.

Indian elephant, Bandipur National Park/Yathin S Krishnappa

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Global Conservation Solutions

Better planning leads to better results for people and planet. Global Conservation Solutions specializes in helping teams design and execute strategies to achieve more efficient and effective conservation outcomes.

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Northeast Wilderness Trust

Our mission is to conserve forever-wild landscapes for nature and people.


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Conservation Biology Institute

We apply the best science and technology available to accelerate the conservation, recovery, and adaptation of biological diversity in a fast-changing world.

Grand Canyon National Park. Photo by Martin Permantier.
United States






% Protected

Almost evenly divided between lands west of the Mississippi that fall mostly into the Nature Could Reach Half category and those that are east of the great river which are...

American brown bear/Photo by Janko Ferlic

Sierra Club

Protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, we work to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve...

Northern Harrier/Picture by Suzanne York

Transition Earth

Works to increase awareness of the effects of population growth and unsustainable resource use on people and the planet.

Yellowstone National Park, USA/Photo by Chloe Leis

Rewilding Earth

"Rewilding" is restoring natural processes and species, then stepping back so the land can express its own will.


Western Resources Advocates

Western Resource Advocates protects the West's land, air, and water to ensure that vibrant communities exist in balance with nature.

Bison Herd Heartland Ranch Nature Preserve/ Photo by Sean Boggs for EDF

Southern Plains Land Trust

Habitat is vanishing, leaving wildlife with no place to go. Here’s our solution: Buy the Land.

American brown bear/Photo by Janko Ferlic
Sierra Club & NNH Join Forces - Press Release

  Contact: Amy Lewis                                                     ...


Conservation Atlas

Supporting the protection of wild lands and biodiversity by expanding the public’s awareness of conservation efforts around the world.

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