Only by working in the international policy sphere can we improve opportunities for protected areas at a global scale, shifting momentum for nature from the top-down. In this regard, international action is just as important as grassroots change, and works in synergy with local movements to maximize wins for nature.
What do we mean by international policy change? This occurs when big inter-governmental institutions, such as the United Nations and its official observer on the environment, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, vote to encourage new protections and expand protected area targets.
How does change occur here? Through dedicated efforts to educate world leaders on the importance of nature, and how its protection leads to essential benefits for societies around the world. Read more in the Ecoregions section below about the people and places that most dramatically benefit from international policy change.
Ecologically intact & protected landscapes comprise 50% or more of this country.
Intact landscapes lacking protected status comprise 50% or more of this country.
Between 20-40% of landscapes are still ecologically intact.
Less than 20% of the natural ecology of this area is intact.
The Nature Needs Half movement is only as strong as its member organizations. Discover more about the individuals and organizations who have committed to protecting 50% of the planet by 2050.Become a Member