Our goal is simple: protect half the Earth. Getting there is possible only if we work together. Discover how others are confronting the complex issues facing conservation today, and learn how Nature Needs Half is promoting problem-solving to overcome these challenges.
Posted in All Articles, Blog on 10/25/19
Ilarion Merculieff has more than forty years experience serving his people, the Unangan (Aleut) of the Pribilof Islands and other Indigenous Peoples locally, nationally, and internationally in a number of leadership capacities. Ilarion is an independent consultant/president of the Global Center for Indigenous Leadership and Lifeways (GCILL) and serves as a Senior Advisor to the World Wilderness Congress and advisor to the Native Lands and Wilderness Council. His passion...
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About: Julie Cajune is a citizen of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes. She has been fortunate to have grown up and worked in the homeland of her Salish ancestors and relatives. This is the land that holds her affection. Julie has been able to serve her community as a teacher and school administrator. She has worked for her nation’s Education Department as a curriculum specialist and at Salish...
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Help inform others about Nature Needs Half by downloading and sharing this infographic! To download the graphic, right click on the image and select "Save Image."
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6 No-Nonsense Steps to More Effective Indigenous Conservation Collaborations Far too often we allow the unspoken norms of Western culture to dictate our interactions with the rest of the world, especially as they pertain to the protection of life on Earth. This can create unnecessary and unforeseen obstacles on the road to a more inclusive and effective conservation movement, benefiting from the power of cross-cultural collaborations. Jayme Dittmar,...
Read MorePosted in All Articles, Blog on 05/3/19
Dave Goulson Bumblebee Conservation Trust Even the smallest lifeforms need space to live and continue to support the rest of life. Pollinators included. This is why University of Sussex professor of biology, Dave Goulson, has spent his entire career studying pollinating insects, especially bumblebees. Goulson was named the eighth most influential person in conservation, alongside Sir David Attenborough, by the BBC Wildlife Magazine in 2015 for his “clarity,...
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Statement by Jackie Batrus, Nature Needs Half Community Architect: "In the past few years, I’ve met some incredible conservationists but very few that have compared to Darcy Belanger. I had the honor and privilege of working closely with him through Nature Needs Half and through his integral role with Parvati.org's MAPS Initiative (Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary). As a young conservationist, I was in awe and completely inspired by Darcy’s...
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“Hurricane” Hayes, NNH Chair, Dishes No-Nonsense Tips for Changing the World It’s time to start thinking like a system Randy “Hurricane” Hayes is Chair of the Nature Needs Half Steering Committee and Founder of Foundation Earth. He is also the co-founder of the Rainforest Action Network (RAN) in 1985 and is responsible for mobilizing millions of people, world-wide to help save the rainforests. The Wall Street Journal...
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Help inform others about Nature Needs Half by downloading and sharing this infographic! To download the graphic, right click on the image and select "Save Image."
Read MorePosted in All Articles, Blog, News & Publications on 04/19/19
Scientists call for a ‘Global Deal for Nature’ to solve two interlinked crises – biodiversity loss and climate change A growing number of conservation scientists and environmental leaders now support calls for a Global Deal for Nature (GDN) as a companion to the Paris Climate Agreement to tackle the two major crises of biodiversity loss and climate change. The Global Deal for Nature paper is the first effort...
Read MorePosted in All Articles, Blog, News & Publications on 04/9/19
You are invited to encourage the United Nations to protect half the planet. Deadline: April 15th, 2019 Citizens from around the world are being asked to contribute recommendations to the United Nations for the protection of Earth's biodiversity. These recommendations will influence the historic 2020 Convention on Biodiversity. The deadline to submit comments is April 15th, 2019. We need YOUR help to encourage the United Nations to...
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